is aimed for general use and flexibility in various analysis pipelines. While its core code functions with matrices and dataframes, and hence has minimal package dependencies, wrapper functions are provided for further convenience of the user.
objects, v2 and v3, extracting the required data, and inserting called cell types directly into the objectslibrary(clustifyr) # can even returning a new object with `type` added to metadata. res <- clustify( input = s_small, cluster_col = "res.1", ref_mat = cbmc_ref, seurat_out = TRUE ) #> [1] "use" # or return a correlation matrix, if seurat_out is set to F res2 <- clustify_lists( input = s_small, marker = pbmc_markers, marker_inmatrix = FALSE, cluster_col = "res.1", seurat_out = FALSE )
, currently including SCE
.# location of data in object in this format object_loc_lookup #> SingleCellExperiment URD #> expr input@assays$data$logcounts #> meta input@meta #> var NULL input@var.genes #> col cell_type1 cluster #> FunctionalSingleCellExperiment #> expr input@ExperimentList$rnaseq@assays$data$logcounts #> meta input@ExperimentList$rnaseq@colData #> var NULL #> col leiden_cluster #> Seurat #> expr input@assays$RNA@data #> meta #> var input@assays$RNA@var.features #> col RNA_snn_res.1 #> CellDataSet #> expr {row.names(x) <- input@featureData@data$gene_short_name; return(x)}, list(input@assayData$exprs)) #> meta #> var as.character(input@featureData@data$gene_short_name[input@featureData@data$use_for_ordering == T]) #> col Main_Cluster #> H5File #> expr {mat <- input[["layers/norm_data"]][,];\ncolnames(mat) <- input[["row_attrs/gene_names"]][];\nrownames(mat) <- input[["col_attrs/cell_names"]][];\nmat <- t(mat);\nreturn(mat)} #> meta {l <- input$ls(recursive=TRUE);\ns <- l[,1][stringr::str_detect(l[,1], "col_attrs/")];\ns2 <- sapply(s, FUN=function(x) {input[[x]][]});\ncolnames(s2) <- stringr::str_remove(colnames(s2),"col_attrs/");\nmeta <- tibble::column_to_rownames(, "cell_names");\nreturn(meta)} #> var NULL #> col orig.ident # adding seurat3 locations object_loc_lookup$Seurat <- c( expr = "input@assays$RNA@data", meta = "", var = "input@assays$RNA@var.features", col = "RNA_snn_res.1" )
For example, sample code for scrunchy
is as easy as:
res <- clustify_nudge(
input = fsce_small,
ref_mat = cbmc_ref,
marker = cbmc_m,
query_genes = pbmc_vargenes,
cluster_col = "k_cluster"
Making scRNA-seq objects into references is assisted by wrappers as well.
# for both v2 and v3 seurat_ref <- object_ref( input = s_small3, cluster_col = "RNA_snn_res.1" ) # and other object types with lookup object_ref <- object_ref( input = sce_small, cluster_col = "cell_type1" )