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Compare scRNA-seq data to reference data.


clustify(input, ...)

# S3 method for default
  metadata = NULL,
  cluster_col = NULL,
  query_genes = NULL,
  n_genes = 1000,
  per_cell = FALSE,
  n_perm = 0,
  compute_method = "spearman",
  pseudobulk_method = "mean",
  verbose = TRUE,
  lookuptable = NULL,
  rm0 = FALSE,
  obj_out = TRUE,
  seurat_out = obj_out,
  vec_out = FALSE,
  rename_prefix = NULL,
  threshold = "auto",
  low_threshold_cell = 0,
  exclude_genes = c(),
  if_log = TRUE,
  organism = "hsapiens",
  plot_name = NULL,
  rds_name = NULL,
  expand_unassigned = FALSE,

# S3 method for Seurat
  cluster_col = NULL,
  query_genes = NULL,
  n_genes = 1000,
  per_cell = FALSE,
  n_perm = 0,
  compute_method = "spearman",
  pseudobulk_method = "mean",
  use_var_genes = TRUE,
  dr = "umap",
  obj_out = TRUE,
  seurat_out = obj_out,
  vec_out = FALSE,
  threshold = "auto",
  verbose = TRUE,
  rm0 = FALSE,
  rename_prefix = NULL,
  exclude_genes = c(),
  metadata = NULL,
  organism = "hsapiens",
  plot_name = NULL,
  rds_name = NULL,
  expand_unassigned = FALSE,

# S3 method for SingleCellExperiment
  cluster_col = NULL,
  query_genes = NULL,
  per_cell = FALSE,
  n_perm = 0,
  compute_method = "spearman",
  pseudobulk_method = "mean",
  use_var_genes = TRUE,
  dr = "umap",
  obj_out = TRUE,
  seurat_out = obj_out,
  vec_out = FALSE,
  threshold = "auto",
  verbose = TRUE,
  rm0 = FALSE,
  rename_prefix = NULL,
  exclude_genes = c(),
  metadata = NULL,
  organism = "hsapiens",
  plot_name = NULL,
  rds_name = NULL,
  expand_unassigned = FALSE,



single-cell expression matrix or Seurat object


additional arguments to pass to compute_method function


reference expression matrix


cell cluster assignments, supplied as a vector or data.frame. If data.frame is supplied then cluster_col needs to be set. Not required if running correlation per cell.


column in metadata that contains cluster ids per cell. Will default to first column of metadata if not supplied. Not required if running correlation per cell.


A vector of genes of interest to compare. If NULL, then common genes between the expr_mat and ref_mat will be used for comparision.


number of genes limit for Seurat variable genes, by default 1000, set to 0 to use all variable genes (generally not recommended)


if true run per cell, otherwise per cluster.


number of permutations, set to 0 by default


method(s) for computing similarity scores


method used for summarizing clusters, options are mean (default), median, truncate (10% truncated mean), or trimean, max, min


whether to report certain variables chosen and steps


if not supplied, will look in built-in table for object parsing


consider 0 as missing data, recommended for per_cell


whether to output object instead of cor matrix


output cor matrix or called seurat object (deprecated, use obj_out instead)


only output a result vector in the same order as metadata


prefix to add to type and r column names


identity calling minimum correlation score threshold, only used when obj_out = TRUE


option to remove clusters with too few cells


a vector of gene names to throw out of query


input data is natural log, averaging will be done on unlogged data


for GO term analysis, organism name: human - 'hsapiens', mouse - 'mmusculus'


name for saved pdf, if NULL then no file is written (default)


name for saved rds of rank_diff, if NULL then no file is written (default)


test all ref clusters for unassigned results


if providing a seurat object, use the variable genes (stored in seurat_object@var.genes) as the query_genes.


stored dimension reduction


single cell object with identity assigned in metadata, or matrix of correlation values, clusters from input as row names, cell types from ref_mat as column names


# Annotate a matrix and metadata
    input = pbmc_matrix_small,
    metadata = pbmc_meta,
    ref_mat = cbmc_ref,
    query_genes = pbmc_vargenes,
    cluster_col = "RNA_snn_res.0.5",
    verbose = TRUE
#> using # of genes: 599
#> similarity computation completed, matrix of 9 x 13, preparing output
#>           B CD14+ Mono CD16+ Mono     CD34+     CD4 T     CD8 T        DC
#> 0 0.6443057  0.5213433  0.5625255 0.6480900 0.8891488 0.8707703 0.5419174
#> 1 0.6268758  0.5373744  0.5866177 0.6265186 0.8610826 0.8347482 0.5541873
#> 2 0.5279272  0.9145428  0.8919954 0.5103056 0.4636934 0.4381450 0.7643448
#> 3 0.9093577  0.5347126  0.5908755 0.6248639 0.6411407 0.6269530 0.6036723
#> 4 0.5791953  0.4853982  0.5498177 0.5663773 0.7657468 0.7692801 0.5187820
#> 5 0.5380921  0.8429769  0.9294914 0.5331927 0.4857454 0.4643569 0.7235944
#> 6 0.5042912  0.4399003  0.5092065 0.5350808 0.6755032 0.6926741 0.4817286
#> 7 0.6088123  0.7415535  0.7520484 0.5694074 0.4951613 0.4789794 0.8493399
#> 8 0.1456751  0.2571662  0.2867421 0.2455947 0.1422081 0.1208273 0.1898078
#>       Eryth Memory CD4 T        Mk Naive CD4 T        NK      pDCs
#> 0 0.5528441    0.7277404 0.2668581   0.6967073 0.6880495 0.4631464
#> 1 0.5395170    0.7128879 0.2635539   0.6871755 0.6999959 0.4696025
#> 2 0.4559350    0.4553454 0.4227047   0.4564707 0.5917870 0.4738376
#> 3 0.4817829    0.4803367 0.2241017   0.5407149 0.5484213 0.5823418
#> 4 0.5007841    0.6323214 0.2961827   0.6036230 0.8257838 0.4536589
#> 5 0.4604308    0.4614474 0.3937726   0.4574654 0.6028156 0.4797367
#> 6 0.4578726    0.5665250 0.2783269   0.5505877 0.8940904 0.4185162
#> 7 0.4470039    0.4764929 0.2948557   0.4475783 0.5643991 0.6825388
#> 8 0.3068445    0.1457308 0.7319575   0.1609963 0.1396979 0.2152614

# Annotate using a different method
    input = pbmc_matrix_small,
    metadata = pbmc_meta,
    ref_mat = cbmc_ref,
    query_genes = pbmc_vargenes,
    cluster_col = "RNA_snn_res.0.5",
    compute_method = "cosine"
#> using # of genes: 599
#> similarity computation completed, matrix of 9 x 13, preparing output
#>           B CD14+ Mono CD16+ Mono     CD34+     CD4 T     CD8 T        DC
#> 0 0.7986227  0.7404425  0.7704809 0.8194404 0.9493149 0.9444251 0.7508430
#> 1 0.7865337  0.7486511  0.7797697 0.8075621 0.9318837 0.9235744 0.7594695
#> 2 0.7527223  0.9627275  0.9460084 0.7577338 0.7096110 0.7061112 0.8919577
#> 3 0.9669867  0.7149343  0.7720125 0.8004738 0.7635724 0.7657181 0.8062767
#> 4 0.7510063  0.7070527  0.7467587 0.7677927 0.8562280 0.8674614 0.7351337
#> 5 0.7590829  0.9172636  0.9762851 0.7746692 0.7286717 0.7274581 0.8800476
#> 6 0.6784059  0.6671718  0.7107553 0.7238537 0.7777913 0.7973584 0.6864934
#> 7 0.8230905  0.8842235  0.9086642 0.8037140 0.7246647 0.7260570 0.9560634
#> 8 0.5463488  0.5932935  0.6068613 0.5953661 0.5558004 0.5516889 0.5730797
#>       Eryth Memory CD4 T        Mk Naive CD4 T        NK      pDCs
#> 0 0.7181980    0.8877208 0.7125300   0.8847456 0.8097839 0.7246787
#> 1 0.7101214    0.8855087 0.7122113   0.8731255 0.8102022 0.7241459
#> 2 0.6951238    0.7557225 0.7911713   0.7542713 0.7675894 0.7495702
#> 3 0.6514282    0.7123319 0.6594086   0.7494337 0.6957714 0.7863873
#> 4 0.6826181    0.8232194 0.7188642   0.8123971 0.9018633 0.7085898
#> 5 0.6880012    0.7601400 0.7722167   0.7561998 0.7776798 0.7477358
#> 6 0.6500106    0.7578212 0.6960715   0.7544227 0.9480188 0.6812692
#> 7 0.6874076    0.7519049 0.7448677   0.7491931 0.7595771 0.8503681
#> 8 0.5898023    0.5655621 0.8775257   0.5455913 0.5569351 0.5756617

# Annotate a SingleCellExperiment object
sce <- sce_pbmc()
    cluster_col = "clusters",
    obj_out = TRUE,
    per_cell = FALSE,
    dr = "umap"
#> object data retrieval complete, moving to similarity computation
#> Variable features not available, using all genes instead
#> consider supplying variable features to `query_genes` argument.
#> using # of genes: 599
#> similarity computation completed, matrix of 9 x 13, preparing output
#> using threshold of 0.7
#> class: SingleCellExperiment 
#> dim: 2000 2638 
#> metadata(0):
#> assays(2): counts logcounts
#> rownames(2000): PPBP LYZ ... CLIC2 HEMGN
#> rowData names(0):
#> colData names(8): cell_source sum ... type r
#> reducedDimNames(1): UMAP
#> mainExpName: NULL
#> altExpNames(0):

# Annotate a Seurat object
so <- so_pbmc()
    cluster_col = "seurat_clusters",
    obj_out = TRUE,
    per_cell = FALSE,
    dr = "umap"
#> object data retrieval complete, moving to similarity computation
#> using # of genes: 356
#> similarity computation completed, matrix of 9 x 13, preparing output
#> using threshold of 0.7
#> An object of class Seurat 
#> 2000 features across 2638 samples within 1 assay 
#> Active assay: RNA (2000 features, 2000 variable features)
#>  2 layers present: counts, data
#>  1 dimensional reduction calculated: umap

# Annotate (and return) a Seurat object per-cell
    input = so,
    ref_mat = cbmc_ref,
    cluster_col = "seurat_clusters",
    obj_out = TRUE,
    per_cell = TRUE,
    dr = "umap"
#> object data retrieval complete, moving to similarity computation
#> using # of genes: 356
#> similarity computation completed, matrix of 2638 x 13, preparing output
#> using threshold of 0.55
#> An object of class Seurat 
#> 2000 features across 2638 samples within 1 assay 
#> Active assay: RNA (2000 features, 2000 variable features)
#>  2 layers present: counts, data
#>  1 dimensional reduction calculated: umap