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Compare editing frequencies between clusters or celltypes. REF and ALT counts from each cluster are pooled to create pseudobulk estimates. Each pair of clusters are compared using fisher exact tests. Statistics are aggregated across each pairwise comparison using scran::combineMarkers.


find_scde_sites(sce, group, rowData = FALSE, BPPARAM = SerialParam(), ...)



SingleCellExperiment object with nRef and nAlt assays.


column name from colData used to define groups to compare.


if TRUE, rowData from the input SingleCellExperiment will be included in the output DataFrames


BiocParallel backend for control how parallel computations are performed.


Additional arguments passed to scran::combineMarkers


A named list of DataFrames containing results for each cluster specified by group. The difference in editing frequencies between cluster pairs are denoted as dEF. See scran::combineMarkers for a description of additional output fields.


### generate example data ###

bam_fn <- raer_example("5k_neuron_mouse_possort.bam")

gr <- GRanges(c("2:579:-", "2:625:-", "2:645:-", "2:589:-", "2:601:-"))
gr$REF <- c(rep("A", 4), "T")
gr$ALT <- c(rep("G", 4), "C")

cbs <- unique(scanBam(bam_fn, param = ScanBamParam(tag = "CB"))[[1]]$tag$CB)
cbs <- na.omit(cbs)

outdir <- tempdir()
bai <- indexBam(bam_fn)

fp <- FilterParam(library_type = "fr-second-strand")
sce <- pileup_cells(bam_fn, gr, cbs, outdir, param = fp)

# mock some clusters
sce$clusters <- paste0("cluster_", sample(1:3, ncol(sce), replace = TRUE))
res <- find_scde_sites(sce, "clusters")
#> → 244 cells had no REF or ALT counts and were excluded from the analysis
#> DataFrame with 4 rows and 10 columns
#>                 self.average other.average self.detected other.detected
#>                    <numeric>     <numeric>     <numeric>      <numeric>
#> site_2_579_2_AG     0.690208      0.653495      0.727273       0.707399
#> site_2_625_2_AG     0.926220      0.991736      0.838384       0.901309
#> site_2_589_2_AG     0.862085      0.831895      0.868687       0.861512
#> site_2_601_2_TC     0.838316      0.850864      0.858586       0.871928
#>                       Top   p.value       FDR summary.dEF dEF.cluster_2
#>                 <integer> <numeric> <numeric>   <numeric>     <numeric>
#> site_2_579_2_AG         1  0.872535         1  0.01784427    0.02257960
#> site_2_625_2_AG         1  1.000000         1 -0.03537552   -0.03537552
#> site_2_589_2_AG         3  1.000000         1 -0.00772495   -0.00772495
#> site_2_601_2_TC         4  1.000000         1 -0.00121012   -0.00121012
#>                 dEF.cluster_3
#>                     <numeric>
#> site_2_579_2_AG   0.017844268
#> site_2_625_2_AG  -0.008314991
#> site_2_589_2_AG  -0.000749251
#> site_2_601_2_TC   0.000124844