This function uses a pileup routine to examine numerate base
counts from alignments at specified sites, regions, or across all read
alignments, from one or more BAM files. Alignment and site filtering
options are controlled by the FilterParam
class. A
RangedSummarizedExperiment object is returned, populated with base count
statistics for each supplied BAM file.
sites = NULL,
region = NULL,
chroms = NULL,
param = FilterParam(),
BPPARAM = SerialParam(),
umi_tag = NULL,
verbose = FALSE
max_depth = 10000,
min_depth = 1L,
min_base_quality = 20L,
min_mapq = 0L,
library_type = "fr-first-strand",
bam_flags = NULL,
only_keep_variants = FALSE,
trim_5p = 0L,
trim_3p = 0L,
ftrim_5p = 0,
ftrim_3p = 0,
indel_dist = 0L,
splice_dist = 0L,
min_splice_overhang = 0L,
homopolymer_len = 0L,
max_mismatch_type = c(0L, 0L),
read_bqual = c(0, 0),
min_variant_reads = 0L,
min_allelic_freq = 0,
report_multiallelic = TRUE,
remove_overlaps = TRUE
- bamfiles
a character vector, BamFile or BamFileList indicating 1 or more BAM files to process. If named, the names will be included in the colData of the RangedSummarizedExperiment as a
column, otherwise the names will be taken from the basename of the BAM file.- fasta
path to genome fasta file used for read alignment. Can be provided in compressed gzip or bgzip format.
- sites
a GRanges object containing regions or sites to process.
- region
samtools region query string (i.e.
). Can be combined with sites, in which case sites will be filtered to keep only sites within the region.- chroms
chromosomes to process, provided as a character vector. Not to be used with the region parameter.
- param
object of class
which specify various filters to apply to reads and sites during pileup.- BPPARAM
A BiocParallel class to control parallel execution. Parallel processing occurs per chromosome and is disabled when run on a single region.
- umi_tag
The BAM tag containing a UMI sequence. If supplied, multiple reads with the same UMI sequence will only be counted once per position.
- verbose
if TRUE, then report progress and warnings.
- max_depth
maximum read depth considered at each site
- min_depth
min read depth needed to report site
- min_base_quality
min base quality score to consider read for pileup
- min_mapq
minimum required MAPQ score. Values for each input BAM file can be provided as a vector.
- library_type
read orientation, one of
, andunstranded
. Unstranded library type will be reported with variants w.r.t the + strand. Values for each input BAM file can be provided as a vector.- bam_flags
bam flags to filter or keep, use
to generate.- only_keep_variants
if TRUE, then only variant sites will be reported (FALSE by default). Values for each input BAM file can be provided as a vector.
- trim_5p
Bases to trim from 5' end of read alignments
- trim_3p
Bases to trim from 3' end of read alignments
- ftrim_5p
Fraction of bases to trim from 5' end of read alignments
- ftrim_3p
Fraction of bases to trim from 3' end of read alignments
- indel_dist
Exclude read if site occurs within given distance from indel event in the read
- splice_dist
Exclude read if site occurs within given distance from splicing event in the read
- min_splice_overhang
Exclude read if site is located adjacent to splice site with an overhang less than given length.
- homopolymer_len
Exclude site if occurs within homopolymer of given length
- max_mismatch_type
Exclude read if it has X different mismatch types (e.g A-to-G, G-to-C, C-to-G, is 3 mismatch types) or Y # of mismatches, must be supplied as a integer vector of length 2. e.g. c(X, Y).
- read_bqual
Exclude read if more than X percent of the bases have base qualities less than Y. Numeric vector of length 2. e.g. c(0.25, 20)
- min_variant_reads
Required number of reads containing a variant for a site to be reported. Calculated per bam file, such that if 1 bam file has >= min_variant_reads, then the site will be reported.
- min_allelic_freq
minimum allelic frequency required for a variant to be reported in ALT assay.
- report_multiallelic
if TRUE, report sites with multiple variants passing filters. If FALSE, site will not be reported.
- remove_overlaps
if TRUE, enable read pair overlap detection, which will count only 1 read in regions where read pairs overlap using the htslib algorithm. In brief for each overlapping base pair the base quality of the base with the lower quality is set to 0, which discards it from being counted.
A RangedSummarizedExperiment object populated with multiple assays:
: Alternate base(s) found at each positionnRef
: # of reads supporting the reference basenAlt
: # of reads supporting an alternate basenA
: # of reads with AnT
: # of reads with TnC
: # of reads with CnG
: # of reads with G
The rowRanges()
contains the genomic interval for each site, along with:
: The reference baserpbz
: Mann-Whitney U test of Read Position Bias from bcftools, extreme negative or positive values indicate more bias.vdb
: Variant Distance Bias for filtering splice-site artifacts from bcftools, lower values indicate more bias.sor
Strand Odds Ratio Score, strand bias estimated by the Symmetric Odds Ratio test, based on GATK code. Higher values indicate more bias.
The rownames will be populated with the format
, with strand
being encoded
as 1 = +, 2 = -, and 3 = *.
See also
Other pileup:
bamfn <- raer_example("")
bam2fn <- raer_example("")
fafn <- raer_example("human.fasta")
rse <- pileup_sites(bamfn, fafn)
fp <- FilterParam(only_keep_variants = TRUE, min_depth = 55)
pileup_sites(bamfn, fafn, param = fp)
#> class: RangedSummarizedExperiment
#> dim: 7 1
#> metadata(0):
#> assays(7): ALT nRef ... nC nG
#> rownames(7): site_DHFR_207_2 site_DHFR_208_2 ... site_DHFR_300_2
#> site_DHFR_332_2
#> rowData names(4): REF rpbz vdb sor
#> colnames(1):
#> colData names(1): sample
# using multiple bam files
bams <- rep(c(bamfn, bam2fn), each = 3)
sample_ids <- paste0(rep(c("KO", "WT"), each = 3), 1:3)
names(bams) <- sample_ids
fp <- FilterParam(only_keep_variants = TRUE)
rse <- pileup_sites(bams, fafn, param = fp)
#> class: RangedSummarizedExperiment
#> dim: 74 6
#> metadata(0):
#> assays(7): ALT nRef ... nC nG
#> rownames(74): site_SSR3_102_2 site_SSR3_125_2 ... site_DHFR_430_2
#> site_DHFR_513_2
#> rowData names(4): REF rpbz vdb sor
#> colnames(6): KO1 KO2 ... WT2 WT3
#> colData names(1): sample
rse$condition <- substr(rse$sample, 1, 2)
#> List of length 7
#> names(7): ALT nRef nAlt nA nT nC nG
#> DataFrame with 6 rows and 2 columns
#> sample condition
#> <character> <character>
#> KO1 KO1 KO
#> KO2 KO2 KO
#> KO3 KO3 KO
#> WT1 WT1 WT
#> WT2 WT2 WT
#> WT3 WT3 WT
#> GRanges object with 74 ranges and 4 metadata columns:
#> seqnames ranges strand | REF rpbz
#> <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <numeric>
#> site_SSR3_102_2 SSR3 102 - | T 2.611800
#> site_SSR3_125_2 SSR3 125 - | C 0.623238
#> site_SSR3_156_2 SSR3 156 - | C 1.875144
#> site_SSR3_176_2 SSR3 176 - | A -0.676423
#> site_SSR3_198_2 SSR3 198 - | A 1.817678
#> ... ... ... ... . ... ...
#> site_DHFR_397_2 DHFR 397 - | A -2.7341600
#> site_DHFR_399_2 DHFR 399 - | G -0.2094944
#> site_DHFR_423_2 DHFR 423 - | T -0.0815516
#> site_DHFR_430_2 DHFR 430 - | A -2.6781858
#> site_DHFR_513_2 DHFR 513 - | T -1.2475213
#> vdb sor
#> <numeric> <numeric>
#> site_SSR3_102_2 2.21621e-02 2.776147
#> site_SSR3_125_2 2.21621e-02 0.478641
#> site_SSR3_156_2 2.21621e-02 2.786335
#> site_SSR3_176_2 2.00523e-05 2.154124
#> site_SSR3_198_2 2.21621e-02 2.797103
#> ... ... ...
#> site_DHFR_397_2 0.0221621 2.775538
#> site_DHFR_399_2 0.0221621 0.306541
#> site_DHFR_423_2 0.0221621 2.773352
#> site_DHFR_430_2 0.0221621 2.773426
#> site_DHFR_513_2 0.0221621 2.772591
#> -------
#> seqinfo: 3 sequences from an unspecified genome
# specifying regions to query using GRanges object
sites <- rowRanges(rse)
rse <- pileup_sites(bams, fafn, sites = sites)
#> class: RangedSummarizedExperiment
#> dim: 74 6
#> metadata(0):
#> assays(7): ALT nRef ... nC nG
#> rownames(74): site_SSR3_102_2 site_SSR3_125_2 ... site_DHFR_430_2
#> site_DHFR_513_2
#> rowData names(4): REF rpbz vdb sor
#> colnames(6): KO1 KO2 ... WT2 WT3
#> colData names(1): sample
rse <- pileup_sites(bams, fafn, chroms = c("SPCS3", "DHFR"))
#> class: RangedSummarizedExperiment
#> dim: 1166 6
#> metadata(0):
#> assays(7): ALT nRef ... nC nG
#> rownames(1166): site_SPCS3_1_1 site_SPCS3_2_1 ... site_DHFR_517_2
#> site_DHFR_518_2
#> rowData names(4): REF rpbz vdb sor
#> colnames(6): KO1 KO2 ... WT2 WT3
#> colData names(1): sample
rse <- pileup_sites(bams, fafn, region = "DHFR:100-101")
#> class: RangedSummarizedExperiment
#> dim: 2 6
#> metadata(0):
#> assays(7): ALT nRef ... nC nG
#> rownames(2): site_DHFR_100_2 site_DHFR_101_2
#> rowData names(4): REF rpbz vdb sor
#> colnames(6): KO1 KO2 ... WT2 WT3
#> colData names(1): sample