This function processes scRNA-seq library to enumerate base
counts for Reference (unedited) or Alternate (edited) bases at specified
sites in single cells. pileup_cells
can process droplet scRNA-seq
libraries, from a BAM file containing a cell-barcode and UMI, or well-based
libraries that do not contain cell-barcodes.
The sites
parameter specifies sites to quantify. This must be a GRanges
object with 1 base intervals, a strand (+ or -), and supplemented with
metadata columns named REF
and ALT
containing the reference and
alternate base to query. See examples for the required format.
At each site, bases from overlapping reads will be examined, and counts of each ref and alt base enumerated for each cell-barcode present. A single base will be counted once for each UMI sequence present in each cell.
chroms = NULL,
umi_tag = "UB",
cb_tag = "CB",
param = FilterParam(),
BPPARAM = SerialParam(),
return_sce = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE
- bamfiles
a path to a BAM file (for droplet scRNA-seq), or a vector of paths to BAM files (Smart-seq2). Can be supplied as a character vector, BamFile, or BamFileList.
- sites
a GRanges object containing sites to process. See examples for valid formatting.
- cell_barcodes
A character vector of single cell barcodes to process. If processing multiple BAM files (e.g. Smart-seq2), provide a character vector of unique identifiers for each input BAM, to name each BAM file in the output files.
- output_directory
Output directory for output matrix files. The directory will be generated if it doesn't exist.
- chroms
A character vector of chromosomes to process. If supplied, only sites present in the listed chromosomes will be processed
- umi_tag
tag in BAM containing the UMI sequence
- cb_tag
tag in BAM containing the cell-barcode sequence
- param
object of class
which specify various filters to apply to reads and sites during pileup. Note that themin_depth
parameters if set > 0 specify the number of reads from any cell required in order to report a site. E.g. ifmin_variant_reads
is set to 2, then at least 2 reads (from any cell) must have a variant in order to report the site. Settingmin_depth
to 0 reports all sites present in thesites
object. The following options are not enabled for pileup_cells():max_mismatch_type
, andmin_allelic_freq
BiocParallel instance. Parallel computation occurs across chromosomes.
- return_sce
, data is returned as a SingleCellExperiment, ifFALSE
a character vector of the output files, specified byoutfile_prefix
, will be returned.- verbose
Display messages
Returns either a SingleCellExperiment or character vector of paths
to the sparseMatrix files produced. The SingleCellExperiment object is
populated with two assays, nRef
and nAlt
, which represent base counts
for the reference and alternate alleles. The rowRanges()
will contain the
genomic interval for each site, along with REF
and ALT
columns. The
rownames will be populated with the format
, with strand
being encoded as 1 = +, 2 = -, and 3 = *, and allele being REF
If return_sce
then a character vector of paths to the
sparseMatrix files (barcodes.txt.gz
, sites.txt.gz
, counts.mtx.gz
will be returned. These files can be imported using read_sparray()
See also
Other pileup:
bam_fn <- raer_example("5k_neuron_mouse_possort.bam")
gr <- GRanges(c("2:579:-", "2:625:-", "2:645:-", "2:589:-", "2:601:-"))
gr$REF <- c(rep("A", 4), "T")
gr$ALT <- c(rep("G", 4), "C")
cbs <- unique(scanBam(bam_fn, param = ScanBamParam(tag = "CB"))[[1]]$tag$CB)
cbs <- na.omit(cbs)
outdir <- tempdir()
bai <- indexBam(bam_fn)
fp <- FilterParam(library_type = "fr-second-strand")
sce <- pileup_cells(bam_fn, gr, cbs, outdir, param = fp)
#> class: SingleCellExperiment
#> dim: 4 556
#> metadata(0):
#> assays(2): nRef nAlt
#> rownames(4): site_2_579_2_AG site_2_625_2_AG site_2_589_2_AG
#> site_2_601_2_TC
#> rowData names(2): REF ALT
#> colData names(0):
#> reducedDimNames(0):
#> mainExpName: NULL
#> altExpNames(0):
# example of processing multiple Smart-seq2 style libraries
many_small_bams <- rep(bam_fn, 10)
bam_ids <- LETTERS[1:10]
# for unstranded libraries, sites and alleles should be provided on + strand
gr <- GRanges(c("2:579:+", "2:625:+", "2:645:+", "2:589:+", "2:601:+"))
gr$REF <- c(rep("T", 4), "A")
gr$ALT <- c(rep("C", 4), "G")
fp <- FilterParam(
library_type = "unstranded",
remove_overlaps = TRUE
sce <- pileup_cells(many_small_bams,
sites = gr,
cell_barcodes = bam_ids,
cb_tag = NULL,
umi_tag = NULL,
param = fp
#> class: SingleCellExperiment
#> dim: 4 10
#> metadata(0):
#> assays(2): nRef nAlt
#> rownames(4): site_2_579_1_TC site_2_625_1_TC site_2_589_1_TC
#> site_2_601_1_AG
#> rowData names(2): REF ALT
#> colnames(10): A B ... I J
#> colData names(0):
#> reducedDimNames(0):
#> mainExpName: NULL
#> altExpNames(0):