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nihexporter (development version)

nihexporter 0.9

Major changes

  • Reload projects data. fy.cost now spans 1985-2021.

  • Some columns in the projects table updated to date types

  • Recalculate project_io table.

  • New clinical_studies table.

  • Removed project_orgs and org_info tables, now in main projects table.

  • rcr values added to the publications table, and added new rcr() function that enables retrieval of RCR values for specific PMIDs.

  • remove duplicate rows and NAs from project_pis table.

Minor changes

  • Added pkgdown documentation

  • removed a few unused columns (journal.title.abbr from publications) from tables to minimize package size.

  • Refactored data loading scripts

nihexporter 0.8

  • update to FY 2015
  • small fixes for tidyr::separate, need characters for into arg
  • add script for downloading DUNS patch files

nihexporter 0.7


  • in project_orgs table is corrected (thanks EXPORTER folks)
  • only projects associted with nih.institues are in the projects table, so no need to filter by nih.institutes
  • added application.type and arra.funded to projects table
  • add CITATION file


  • refactor data loading

nihexporter 0.6.1


  • added missing project.cost to table

nihexporter 0.6


  • renamed project_output to project_io

  • added publications table

nihexporter 0.5


  • identified major issue with organization DUNS numbers in the PROJECTS table. Emailed NIH EXPORTER via the website and asked them to fix.

  • added project_output table with pre-computed values for grants


  • removed dots from table names

    • rename project.orgs to project_orgs
    • rename project.pis to project_pis

nihexporter 0.4


  • added patents table
  • updated vignette with patents example

nihexporter 0.3


  • recompressed rdata files to be much smaller
  • new grant_productivity vignette
  • added nih.institutes variable for quick filtering with %in%
