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read functions for BED and related formats. Filenames can be local file or URLs. The read functions load data into tbls with consistent chrom, start and end colnames.


  col_types = bed12_coltypes,
  sort = TRUE,
  n_fields = NULL

read_bed12(filename, ...)

read_bedgraph(filename, ...)

read_narrowpeak(filename, ...)

read_broadpeak(filename, ...)



file or URL


column type spec for readr::read_tsv()


sort the tbl by chrom and start


options to pass to readr::read_tsv()





See also

Other read functions: read_genome(), read_vcf()


# read_bed assumes 3 field BED format.
#> # A tibble: 10 × 3
#>    chrom  start    end
#>    <chr>  <int>  <int>
#>  1 chr1   11873  14409
#>  2 chr1   14361  19759
#>  3 chr1   14406  29370
#>  4 chr1   34610  36081
#>  5 chr1   69090  70008
#>  6 chr1  134772 140566
#>  7 chr1  321083 321115
#>  8 chr1  321145 321207
#>  9 chr1  322036 326938
#> 10 chr1  327545 328439

# result is sorted by chrom and start unless `sort = FALSE`
read_bed(valr_example("3fields.bed.gz"), sort = FALSE)
#> # A tibble: 10 × 3
#>    chrom  start    end
#>    <chr>  <int>  <int>
#>  1 chr1   11873  14409
#>  2 chr1   14361  19759
#>  3 chr1   14406  29370
#>  4 chr1   34610  36081
#>  5 chr1   69090  70008
#>  6 chr1  134772 140566
#>  7 chr1  321083 321115
#>  8 chr1  321145 321207
#>  9 chr1  322036 326938
#> 10 chr1  327545 328439

#> # A tibble: 100 × 12
#>    chrom   start     end name      score strand cds_start cds_end item_rgb
#>    <chr>   <int>   <int> <chr>     <chr> <chr>      <int>   <int> <chr>   
#>  1 chr1  3204562 3661579 NM_00101… 0     -        3206102 3661429 0       
#>  2 chr1  4280926 4399322 NM_00119… 0     -        4283061 4399268 0       
#>  3 chr1  4847774 4887990 NM_00115… 0     +        4847994 4886445 0       
#>  4 chr1  4847774 4887990 NM_011541 0     +        4847994 4886445 0       
#>  5 chr1  4848408 4887990 NM_00115… 0     +        4848488 4886445 0       
#>  6 chr1  4899656 5008815 NM_00129… 0     -        4900554 4914046 0       
#>  7 chr1  4899656 5009620 NM_021374 0     -        4900554 5009460 0       
#>  8 chr1  4899656 5060366 NM_00117… 0     -        4900554 5060258 0       
#>  9 chr1  5073166 5152630 NM_00131… 0     +        5074531 5152246 0       
#> 10 chr1  5073166 5152630 NM_133826 0     +        5074531 5152246 0       
#> # ℹ 90 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: exon_count <int>, exon_sizes <chr>,
#> #   exon_starts <chr>

#> # A tibble: 4 × 4
#>   chrom    start      end value
#>   <chr>    <int>    <int> <dbl>
#> 1 chr19 49302000 49302300 -1   
#> 2 chr19 49302300 49302600 -0.75
#> 3 chr19 49302600 49302900 -0.5 
#> 4 chr19 49302900 49303200 -0.25

#> # A tibble: 570 × 10
#>    chrom    start      end name  score strand signal pvalue qvalue  peak
#>    <chr>    <int>    <int> <chr> <int> <chr>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <int>
#>  1 chr22 17372940 17373090 .         0 .           4   4.63     -1    -1
#>  2 chr22 17392200 17392350 .         0 .           5   4.67     -1    -1
#>  3 chr22 17398400 17398550 .         0 .          10  11.6      -1    -1
#>  4 chr22 17539180 17539330 .         0 .          21  30.9      -1    -1
#>  5 chr22 17652440 17652590 .         0 .           6   5.35     -1    -1
#>  6 chr22 17652780 17652930 .         0 .          12  12.5      -1    -1
#>  7 chr22 17980800 17980950 .         0 .          12  12.6      -1    -1
#>  8 chr22 18038260 18038410 .         0 .          29  36.0      -1    -1
#>  9 chr22 18225280 18225430 .         0 .          21  25.0      -1    -1
#> 10 chr22 18268020 18268170 .         0 .          14  13.0      -1    -1
#> # ℹ 560 more rows

#> # A tibble: 1,181 × 9
#>    chrom    start      end name  score strand signal pvalue qvalue
#>    <chr>    <int>    <int> <chr> <int> <chr>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 chr22 16847903 16848440 .       503 .       10.5     2.5     -1
#>  2 chr22 16849452 16851326 .       483 .        9.81   15.7     -1
#>  3 chr22 16849955 16850086 .      1000 .       32.4     4.2     -1
#>  4 chr22 16850694 16850924 .       831 .       22.5     4.9     -1
#>  5 chr22 16852964 16853782 .       499 .       10.4     6.2     -1
#>  6 chr22 16855065 16855803 .       477 .        9.58    3.9     -1
#>  7 chr22 16855944 16856974 .       491 .       10.1     8.5     -1
#>  8 chr22 16857425 16857958 .       505 .       10.6     2.5     -1
#>  9 chr22 16858284 16858824 .       549 .       12.2     4.5     -1
#> 10 chr22 16859972 16862024 .       404 .        6.89    9.3     -1
#> # ℹ 1,171 more rows