# we are reading the data directly from the internetbiochem<-read_tsv("http://mtweb.cs.ucl.ac.uk/HSMICE/PHENOTYPES/Biochemistry.txt", show_col_types =FALSE)|>janitor::clean_names()
Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): unable to translate '<U+00C4>' to native encoding
Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): unable to translate '<U+00D6>' to native encoding
Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): unable to translate '<U+00DC>' to native encoding
Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): unable to translate '<U+00E4>' to native encoding
Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): unable to translate '<U+00F6>' to native encoding
Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): unable to translate '<U+00FC>' to native encoding
Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): unable to translate '<U+00DF>' to native encoding
Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): unable to translate '<U+00C6>' to native encoding
Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): unable to translate '<U+00E6>' to native encoding
Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): unable to translate '<U+00D8>' to native encoding
Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): unable to translate '<U+00F8>' to native encoding
Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): unable to translate '<U+00C5>' to native encoding
Warning in FUN(X[[i]], ...): unable to translate '<U+00E5>' to native encoding
# simplify names a bit morecolnames(biochem)<-gsub(pattern ="biochem_", replacement ="", colnames(biochem))# we are going to simplify this a bit and only keep some columnskeep<-colnames(biochem)[c(1,6,9,14,15,24:28)]biochem<-biochem[,keep]# get weights for each individual mouse# careful: did not come with column namesweight<-read_tsv("http://mtweb.cs.ucl.ac.uk/HSMICE/PHENOTYPES/weight", col_names =F, show_col_types =FALSE)# add column namescolnames(weight)<-c("subject_name","weight")# add weight to biochem table and get rid of NAs# rename sex to sexb<-inner_join(biochem, weight, by="subject_name")|>na.omit()|>rename(sex=gender)
Learning objectives
Formulate and Execute null hypothesis testing
Identify and Perform the proper statistical test for data type/comparison
Calculate and Interpret p-values
Random variables
Response Variable ( y - aka dependent or outcome variable): this variable is predicted or its variation is explained by the explanatory variable. In an experiment, this is the outcome that is measured following manipulation of the explanatory variable.
Explanatory Variable ( x - aka independent or predictor variable): explains variations in the response variable. In an experiment, it is manipulated by the researcher.
The simplicity underlying common tests
Most of the common statistical models (t-test, correlation, ANOVA; etc.) are special cases of linear models or a very close approximation. This simplicity means that there is less to learn. It all comes down to:
\(y = a \cdot x + b\)
This needless complexity multiplies when students try to rote learn the parametric assumptions underlying each test separately rather than deducing them from the linear model.
Stats equation for a line
\(y\) equals the intercept (\(\beta_0\)) pluss a slope (\(\beta_1\)) times \(x\).
The task of t-tests, lm, etc., is simply to find the numbers that best predict \(y\).
Appropriate statistical test cheatsheet
Comparing means between two groups
We will compare mouse \(weight\) by \(sex\).
# plot weight by sexp_ws<-ggplot(b,aes(x =sex, y =weight))+geom_jitter(size=1)+geom_hline(yintercept =mean(b$weight), color ="red")+theme_cowplot()# plot weight by sex with mean weight and mean weight by sex p_ws2<-ggplot(b,aes(x =sex, y =weight))+geom_jitter(size=1)+geom_hline(yintercept =mean(b$weight), color ="red")+stat_summary(fun ="mean", geom ="point", fill ="blue", shape =23, size=3)+theme_cowplot()plot_grid(p_ws, p_ws2, ncol =2, labels =c("weight","weight by sex"), scale =c(1,1))
# mean weightavg_w <-# mean weight femaleavg_wf <-# mean weight maleavg_wm <-
STEP 3: Visualize the error around fit
# plot of data with mean and colored by residualsp_ws <-ggplot(b_ws,aes(x = sex, y = weight)) +geom_point(position =position_jitter(),aes(color = .resid)) +scale_color_gradient2(low ="blue",mid ="black",high ="yellow") +geom_hline(yintercept = ??,color ="darkgrey") +geom_segment(aes(x=.5, xend=1.5,y=??, yend=??),color="red") +geom_segment(aes(x=1.5, xend=2.5,y=??), yend=??,color="red") +theme_cowplot()p_ws
STEP 3: Visualize the error around the null (mean weight)
p_w<-ggplot(b_ws,aes(x =sex, y =weight))+geom_point(position =position_jitter(),aes(color =weight-avg_w))+scale_color_gradient2(low ="blue", mid ="black", high ="yellow")+geom_hline(yintercept =avg_w, color ="darkgrey")+theme_cowplot()p_w
Compare fit error to null error graphically
plot_grid(p_ws, p_w, ncol =2, labels =c("weight by sex","weight by intercept"))
We are fitting 2 lines to the data. For the weight by sex model of the fit (left), we fit 2 lines. For the weight by null model (right) we fit 1 line.
Exceptions: mice with highest residuals
Matrices Interlude Begin
How do we go from 2 fit lines to 1 equation
Since we don’t want to calculate any of this by hand, the framework needs to be flexible such that a computer can execute for different flavors of comparison (cont y vs cont x, cont y vs 2 or more categorical x, …).
Let’s focus on just a few mice
Remember that: \(weight\) is \(y\) \(F_{avg}\) is the average \(weight\) of \(females\) \(M_{avg}\) is the average \(weight\) of \(males\)
Me: Ooohh my, imagine how tedious it would be to do this for all mice… Volunteer: Wait a sec…isn’t there a way to formulate this as a matrix algebra problem. Me: You’re right - I’m so glad you asked! Let’s conjur matrix-magic to solve this problem..
. . .
\(f_{avg} = \beta_0\) is the average \(weight\) of \(female\) mice \(m_{avg} = \beta_1\) is the average \(weight\) of \(male\) mice
So basically this looks like the same equation for fitting a line we’ve been discussing, just w/a few more dimensions :)
This is a conceptual peak into the underbelly of how the \(\beta\) cofficients and least squares is performed using matrix operations (linear algebra). If you are interested in learning more see references at the end of the slides.
Matrices Interlude FIN
Calculate \(R^2\)
\(SS_{fit}\) — sum of squared errors around the least-squares fit
ss_fit <-
\(SS_{null}\) — sum of squared errors around the mean of \(y\)
# i have pre-selected some families to comparemyfams<-c("B1.5:E1.4(4) B1.5:A1.4(5)","F1.3:A1.2(3) F1.3:E2.2(3)","A1.3:D1.2(3) A1.3:H1.2(3)","D5.4:G2.3(4) D5.4:C4.3(4)")# only keep the familys in myfamsbfam<-b|>filter(family%in%myfams)|>droplevels()# simplify family names and make factorbfam$family<-gsub(pattern ="\\..*", replacement ="", x =bfam$family)|>as.factor()# make B1 the reference (most similar to overall mean)bfam$family<-relevel(x =bfam$family, ref ="B1")
STEP 1: Can family explain weight?
ANOVA -> comparing means of 3 or more groups.
Let’s compare the \(weight\) by \(family\), but only for a few selected families.