R Bootcamp - Day 2 - Exercises
Tidying exercises
Data sets for tidying - Exercise 2
- Explore
, andtable5
, which all display the number of TB cases documented by the World Health Organization in Afghanistan, Brazil, and China between 1999 and 2000.
Getting familiar with the data - Exercise 3
R provides many functions to examine features of a data object
- To open the table up in an excel-like interface - not recommended for large tablesclass()
- what kind of object is it (high-level)?typeof()
- what is the object’s data type (low-level)?is_tibble()
- use is.? to confirm data typestr()
- what is the structure of the object?attributes()
- does it have any metadata?Let’s explore
Getting familiar with the data - Exercise 4
Some of the useful functions for data.frames / tibbles are as follows:
Exercise 5 -Getting familiar with data - summary, hist, & table
summary: A generic function used to produce result summaries of the results of various model fitting functions.
hist: Takes in a vector of values and plots a histogram.
table: Uses the cross-classifying factors to build a contingency table of the counts at each combination of factor levels.
pivot_wider - Exercise 6
What will the output look like?
If you want to save the output, assign it to a new variable. This new variable will appear in your Environment tab.
pivot_longer - Exercise 7
What will the output look like?
separate - Exercise 8
What will the output look like?